A Million Pictures


9 Jun 2016 - 11 Apr 2016
Amsterdam and Utrecht

Paper: Lantern Slides – Documents of the Scientist’s Self-Image (1900-1940) – 17th UNIVERSEUM meeting

Sarah Dellmann from Utrecht University and Paul Lambers from University Museum Utrecht will give a joint presentation about lantern slides in the collection of the University Museum Utrecht.
Lantern slides have been an import means in popular and higher education far into the twentieth century. The University Museum Utrecht holds, among others, slides of scientific expeditions (1900-1940) in its collection: Utrecht scientists from various disciplines (astronomy, biology, geology, archeology and more) documented not only their research findings but also themselves when on field trips. Which self-image about being a scientist and “doing science” are implied in these photographic lantern slides?
The presentation will be given at the 7th Annual Meeting of the European Academic Heritage Network UNIVERSEUM. UNIVERSEUM is concerned with academic heritage in its broadest sense, including university collections, museums, archives, libraries, botanical gardens, astronomical observatories, and university buildings of historical, artistic and scientific significance.