Creative Re-Use
A Million Pictures encourages contemporary artists and the creative industries to experiment with lantern slides or digitised images. This site presents the documentation of artistic and creative re-uses of cultural heritage from the collections of our Associated Partners (see also our section in “Events”) and includes examples of creative re-use from related projects

Paper: Experiences with Creative Re-Use at Performing and Knowing
Performance and re-enactment have been employed as a method of research in the history of science for several decades. The workshop Performing and Knowing – Experimental and Sensory Approaches organised by Charlotte Bigg, Rafael Mandressi and Marie Thébaud-Sorger as a collaboration of the Centre Alexandre Koyré and Maison Française d’Oxford, aims to take stock of…
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Magic Lantern Show: De Toverlantaarn. Voorganger van de bioscoop
Our Associated Partner EYE Film Institute Netherlands organised a lantern show. Lanternists Annet Duller and Wim Bos will give a perform the programme “De Toverlantaarn. Voorganger van de bioscoop” (The magic lantern: predecessor of the cinema) twice on Sunday, 15 April, at 12:00 and at 13:40. The show is part of the Imagine Film Festival…
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Discussion Notes: “Experience with Creative Re-Use”
These discussion notes document the evaluation of experiences with the creative Re-Use projects and activities that were developed in the course of the A Million Pictures Project. We publish these here as a working paper with the idea that the insights in this discussion are useful for others. The discussion was held at the Research…
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DVD: Magic Lantern Heritage Today. Examples of Creative Re-Use.
Integral part of the A Million Pictures project is the collaboration between researchers, archivists, curators and artists. This DVD documents various forms of artistic engagement with lantern slide heritage that emerged from collaboration between the research teams and artists: animation film, peep show performance, educative film, live video art, art installation, development of an app,…
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Video: Molens Tulpen Klompen en Kaas
In the 20-minute video documentary historian Leen Breure and Sarah Dellmann explain where today’s national clichés of the Netherlands come from. “Molens Tulpen Klompen en Klaas – ruim 100 jaar clichés van Nederland” (in Dutch language) investigates the history of the Dutch cultural icons and their function in commerce, tourism, fine arts and media. Images…
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Installation: Cinderella – Two Sides of the Story
Students from University of the Arts Utrecht develop an installation, inspired by the magic lantern and its ability to tell stories with light. By means of coloured light projected from back and front, the story of Cinderella is told by making parts of the respective image visible, depending on the colour of light. The images…
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Animation: Slide of Life
Students from the University of the Arts Utrecht (NL) create an animation film based on digitized lantern slides in the collection of EYE Filmmuseum and Utrecht University Museum. “After seeing the beauty of thousands of old magic lantern slides, we believe these pictures need to be seen again. Using our knowledge of modern day technology, we…
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Exhibition: Light! Magic Lantern and the Digital Image
The temporary exhibition Light! Magic Lantern and the Digital Image. Affinities between the Nineteenth and Twenty-first Century will be on display at Museu del Cinema, Girona. The exhibition was planned until January 2018 and now is prolongued until 8 April 2018 entrance is free. This exhibition has three main goals. First, to show the magic…
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Exhibition: Schijnvis / Showfish / Poisson brillant
Official opening and premiere of Schijnvis / Showfish / Poisson brillant Schijnvis / Showfish / Poisson Brilliant is a new installation by Sarah Vanagt, consisting of five magic lantern projections & two video projections. With the help of a transparant fish egg, two cat’s whiskers and a small piece of copper paper, Sarah Vanagt tries…
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The Raree Man’s Peep Show
Tony Lidington and his troupe ‘Promenade Promotions’ have put on a peepshow based on magic lantern slides digitised from our Partner Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM) in Exeter. Glorying in the title, ‘Lucky Dicky Crangle and the Cinnabar Moth’, the latest performance from the Raree Man Peep Show used slides from all parts of the…
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